Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Enjoying Photoshop

I really should apologize for not posting as often as I should. If you follow my other blog, Growing in Him, you've probably realized that I've been very busy over the past few weeks. With it being hot and humid most of the day, photography has taken a seat on the back burner. Don't worry though! I took a lot of photos this spring and early summer --probably enough to keep this blog going for year! Last weekend, I downloaded a trial version of Photoshop Elements 8. It's been so much fun learning how to use the program so I've added it to my list of things to save for. :-) Here are a few photos that I tweaked with PSE. 

In this photo, I enhanced the blue skies...
I left the water and sand untouched.

This little bird is a longtail chick. Longtails nest and raise their
babies in little rock crevices...we found this one while exploring
the beach. It was difficult to photograph him/her because
he was so far into the rock but the picture's not too bad
once edited a bit with Photoshop!

An adult longtail swoops in to check out a hole in the rocks.
I tweaked the greenery on the rocks a bit to enhance their color. 

For this beach shot, I enhanced both the greenery
and sky color. But I left the beach and water
in it's original color.

Do you use Photoshop? What are your favorite effects? Share your tips below!


  1. I love the beach shots, Eden! Simply beautiful!

    I uses Photoshop Elements, and I would recommend checking out CoffeeShop. Rita has lots of free actions, tutorials, storyboards, ect. I've learned a lot from the site. Here's the link: http://coffeeteaphotography.blogspot.com/

    Have a blessed day!

  2. Hi Eden,

    You photo's are fantastic! I love the color of the water! It's so clear! :-)

    I don't use Photoshop, but am hoping to save up for Adobe Lightroom. Right now I use Picasa 3; it works well.

    On a side note: You mentioned that you were going to save up for Photoshop. Perhaps you should check out this site: www.academicsuperstore.com. Since you all are homeschoolers, you qualify for huge discounts there. I'm going to purchase Adobe Lightroom off of there once I save enough money. :-)


  3. Great photos! I love the last one! Very pretty! I use Photoshop CS and I love it! It's great. CoffeeShop is great, you should check it out! :)

  4. Hi Eden,

    Missed seeing you down at the beach or along the railway right of way or up at Heydon. Hope you are recovering well from your wisdom teeth extractions, guess you had a general anaesthetic. I am a retired dentist so realise what you've been going through Should be back on the beach with Ann and Gemma on Thursday 4.00pm ish - hurricane weather permitting. Good luck. Sue (Orla's mum)
    PS My husband's grandson is over and I tried to get into your blog to show him some of your photos, he is trying to become a professional photographer!

  5. Hi Sue,

    I miss seeing you and Orla as well. We've been really busy lately and haven't been exercising as much as we should. Thankfully, I'm feeling much better since I got my wisdom teeth pulled more than a month ago. Yes, I did get general anesthesia! I'm so glad it's all behind me now. Hopefully, we'll run into you and Orla again soon. We're missing you both! Blessings!


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